Bahá'í Faith and its spread


Bahá'í is considered by many to be a branch of Islam. They accept the Qur'an as the word of God, accept Muhammad as the Messenger. Great men of different religions are accepted by the followers of this religion.

Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster accepted them all as prophets . And everyone worked consistently according to God's instructions. They consider themselves as people who have come to protect the unity and rhythm of the world . By worshiping, fasting, meditating.


Bahá'í Faith

Abdu'l-Bahá , the preacher of this religion, spoke of some of these beliefs while speaking in Europe at various times -

  • Monotheism of God
  • Unity of Religion
  • Unity of people
  • Equality between men and women
  • Stay away from all kinds of superstitions
  • World Peace and New World Order
  • Convergence of religion and science
  • Seek the truth independently
  • Education for all
  • A common second language for all
  • Loyalty to the government
  • Eliminating extreme poverty and affluent conditions
  • Abolition of slavery

In 1852, Bahá'u'lláh received instruction in this religion while in prison. He called himself the Ornament of God (Bahá'u'lláh). Currently the number of followers is around 7 million

History of the Bahá'í Faith

It originates from the Iranian "Bab" doctrine. A traveler prophesied that soon Allah would send a Messenger and his name would be Baha'u'llah. They consider Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha and the Bab to be the central figures of their religion.

In 1844, a different idea spread against Shi'ism in Iran. It first flourished under the leadership of Bahá'u'lláh. He was sentenced to death in 1850 for preaching false and contradictory doctrines against Islam . This doctrine gained popularity in the Iranian and Ottoman Empires.

It spread to Europe and America under the leadership of his son, Abdu'l-Bahá. 1921 is the year of Abdul Baha's death which is considered a revolutionary year for them. Said Ali Muhammad, who was known as 'Bab', also claimed to be Imam Mahdi.

Proliferation in Bangladesh

They claim to be followers of independent (new) religion. Although their religion shares many similarities with Islamic beliefs,
this religion prohibits the consumption of alcohol unless prescribed by a doctor. In addition, all intoxicants are prohibited.

Around 1844, this religion also penetrated into Bangladesh. It is believed that a man named Jalal e Effendi came to Dhaka to preach this religion. They have local assemblies in Dhaka and Chittagong. Some people of Chittagong adopted this religion after going to Burma. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are 10,000 Baha'i followers living in Bangladesh.

According to Wikipedia, they have the right to practice religion, hold meetings and establish religious institutions in Bangladesh. They are very conscious about women's education and also conduct various campaigns. They are believed to have spread this religion among the Munda and Arakanese peoples of Bangladesh.

Baha'i prayer

We know that Muslims pray five times a day. Jews also worship in almost the same way as prayer. Although the form of worship of the majority Christians is different, the form of worship of Orthodox Christians is similar to prayer. However, Jews and Christians do not recite from the Quran as Muslims do.

The question is, do the Bahais pray? Let's try to find the answer. Their prayer videos can be found only by searching YouTube. Sharing the video with you here-

As we can see here, Muslims, Christians and Jews are quite different, but have a lot in common in their worship. One of their slogans is probably – “Pray for Unity”. Whatever you call Baha'is wrong, I find them peaceful (not violent).

Books of Baha'i Religion

It is one of the newest religions which is quite popular. Kitab-e-Aqdas is the book of Bahai followers. I will share the pdf file of this book with you. Those who are interested can read it if they want.

Kitab e Aqdas pdf

Bahai Library has given the link of Kitab e Aqdas, you can enter and download any chapter or whole pdf or Doc file. This book is called the Standard of Future World Civilization. The book was first published in Mumbai, India around 1890-1891.

They pray at the tomb of Baha'u'llah in Israel, fast and bury the dead like Muslims.

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