Buddhism philosophy and teaching of Buddha


Buddhism, or philosophy, refers to the path of action and spiritual development through which the truth of nature is revealed. Among the rituals of this religion is meditation through which awareness, kindness and knowledge are advanced .

According to historians, a religion preached by Siddhartha Gautama 2500 years ago is Buddhism. Buddhist philosophy has influenced people in different ways in different regions of East and Southeast Asia.

God in Buddhism: This religion does not have the same concept of God as other monotheistic religions (ie, not God-centered). Instead, there is the concept of rules. Under what rules the whole world is governed. Many want to present this religion as a philosophy only, while others say it is an agnostic religion.

Founder of Buddhism : Gautama Buddha who has fulfilled Parami many times. Siddhartha Gautama attained Buddhahood. He is the originator of this religion

Philosophy of religion

It is often not seen as a 'religion' in the Western sense, as Buddhists do not worship a specific deity. It is a philosophy that can be embraced by people of any country, any time, any race.

Since Buddhist practices and beliefs are called 'Buddhism', let's look at some of their features-

  • There is no supreme being in this religion, instead spiritual tranquility and enlightened life are the basic teachings of this religion. Attainment of a certain spiritual level is called attainment of Nirvana.
  • 'Buddha' means Enlightened. He is not a god, a prophet or a deity - but a unique personality.
  • Meditation uncovers truth. So Buddhists meditate. In the above picture you can see the Buddha statue meditating
  • Like Hinduism (learn about Hinduism here), this religion also has a belief in karma and reincarnation
  • Buddhist monks and nuns perform a special ritual called Kaumaryabrata
  • They worship in temples or at home
  • Four Arya Sathyas (Dukkh - Banglapedia)
  • there is sadness
  • There are reasons for sadness
  • There is an end to sorrow
  • There is a way out of suffering

According to Gautama Buddha, the world is miserable. As our desires increase, so will our sorrow. Nirvana from suffering is possible only when one is freed from ignorance. Buddhism also has the Ashtangika Marga and the Trisharana Mantra. There are also five principles

Ashtangik Marg:

  • equal vision
  • Equal determination
  • Equivalent sentence
  • Equitable behavior
  • Livelihood
  • equal effort
  • Same memory
  • Samyak Samadhi

Trisharan mantra

  • Buddhang Samranang Gachhami – Attainment of Purity and Spiritual Enlightenment (Buddhism)
  • Dharmang Samarang Gachhami - Realization and development of spirituality
  • Sanghang samranang gachami - Pursuit of full knowledge wherever possible

Five principles 

Gautama Buddha statue Thailand

These principles are for lay people, and there are separate principles for monks and nuns. Let's look at the five principles-

  • Not to kill animals with five senses
  • Do not pick up fallen objects
  • Do not commit illegal acts
  • Don't lie
  • Do not consume alcohol, marijuana


What is the name of Buddhist scriptures? 

The Buddhist scriptures are the Tripitaka and the Sutras. There is also a type of book found in Tibet called the Book of the Dead. There are over 2,000 sutras that are followed by certain types of Buddhists, though not all Buddhists. Tripitaka has three parts – Vinaya Pitaka, Sutra Pitaka and Abhidharma Pitaka.

Religious Festival: Buddhist Purnima is celebrated as the biggest religious festival of Buddhists in Bangladesh.

Karma and Rebirth  : The idea of ​​rebirth according to karma is present in Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was reborn many times and finally attained nirvana. Gautama Buddha was also Jatisma, he was able to remember the words of his previous births and recited them to his devotees.

This religion is the fourth largest religion in the world by population. As mentioned earlier, Buddhist philosophy has a great influence in Southeast Asia and East Asia.

Difference between Buddhism and Jainism

Centered on the life and teachings of Gautama BuddhaFocusing on Mahavira's life and teachings, the identity of the first preacher is unknown
Does not believe in the doctrine that everything has a soulWood, water, everything has soul
Killing animals is a great sin, can be done if there is no way.Animals cannot be killed even if there is no way
Only Gautama Buddha is the central figure of this religionTwenty-four Tirthankaras are central figures in Jainism
Nirvana is more important than finding the existence of God, the world is subject to rulesGod is within all things, created matter or, particles are collectively God.

Answers to some questions

I am adding answers to some more questions based on the interest of the readers. Hope you get answers to your questions here-

Was Gautama Buddha a prophet?

According to Islam, Allah has sent His messages and messengers to all the nations of the world. Accordingly, God sent messengers to the people of Buddha. Those who convey the message of Allah to the people are considered as Prophets in Islam. For example: Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc.

There is no mention of Buddha's name in the Qur'an, so it cannot be said with certainty that he was a prophet, nor that he was not. If any of the Muslims consider Gautama Buddha as a prophet, it is purely his personal opinion. 

Was Buddha a Hindu? 

Of course he was. Siddhartha Gautam was the prince of Lumbini village in Nepal. He was born in a Hindu family. Whether he can be called a Hindu or not depends on how you define Hinduism. If you think that the eternality of the soul must be accepted, the Vedas must be considered self-evident, then Gautama Buddha was not a Hindu. 

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