Hinduism - Origins, Scriptures and others


Hinduism is the oldest surviving religion in the world. Many of its followers call it 'sanatana dharma' which means ancient or, classical. India has the largest population of Hindus. About 84% people of this country follow Hindu religion. Apart from South Asia, Hindus live in most countries of the world.

It is a religion that believes in reincarnation. The origin of Hindu religion, scriptures, swastika symbol, Gayatri mantra and some other issues will be briefly presented in this article. There will also be some talk about the prevailing classification in Hindu society.

What are the scriptures?

The scriptures of this religion are divided into two parts - Smriti (that which is remembered) and Sruti (that which is heard). No exact number can be determined about the total number of scriptures of this religion.

Shruti: It is most sacred. However, many believe that Smriti is more popular than Sruti in modern Hindu society. Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Shamveda, Atharvaveda), Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads are mainly included in Sruti. A large part of Hindu philosophy comes from sruti. (Source – Britanica)

Smriti : The Vedas explain meditation or, thought-consciousness as extension or, memory. These books have gained more popularity among common Hindus. These include - Kalpasutras (fairy tales), Puranas (various ancient stories), two epics - Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita (considered to be a part of Mahabharata), Manusmriti (which describes social rules and rituals). Britanica)
some of the fundamental beliefs of religion

According to many believers, it is not an institutionalized religion. Amrutur V Srinivasan at Dummies.com presents the information in his own words -
Satya Sasvat: Truth is One, Wise Men present it in different ways
Brahma is Truth and Reality: Hindus believe that Brahma is the only true creator who has no form, no limit and is heavenly. . Brahman is in everything, seen and unseen.

Vedai  Churanta: The Vedas are the books found by ancient sages, sages, which have no beginning, end or destruction. Earth is mortal, Vedas are imperishable.
One should try to stay on the path of religion: The English word 'Religion' does not include religion. Religion means right action, righteousness, morality.
Every soul is immortal: soul has no beginning or end. The soul moves from one body to another. Transmigration does not mean the death of the soul. The future of the soul is determined on the basis of karma.

The goal of all souls is Moksha Lava: The liberation of the soul is Moksha. The cycle of repeated births can be liberated from this cycle through salvation.

Hinduism does not have the Ten Commandments like the Jewish faith, the New Testament of the Christians, or the Quranic rules like the Muslims. Ritual behavior varies according to the prevailing culture, culture of different regions.

In what year did Hinduism originate?

With 900 million followers, this religion is the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam in terms of population. According to historians it is 4000 years old, according to believers it is more ancient.

According to the information provided by history.com, it is not a specific 'religion', it is a combination of many 'religions'It is sometimes called the way of life. Samsara and Karma are the two beliefs of this religion. The cycle of rebirth is called samsara and one's position in samsara is determined by karma.

There is a saying in Bengali, "Birth is good, action is good ". Through action people try to stay on the path of Dharma.

Classification of Hinduism

Hinduism has varnasrama system which used to be socially based on birth. Actually there are four varnas in Hinduism-

  • Brahmin
  • Kshatriya
  • item
  • Shudra

According to the Gita these identities are attributed to Karmaguna. However, caste based on birth identity is no longer what it used to be. Gautama Buddha also believed in varnasrama by virtue of birth and karma. So, anyone born as a Shudra can become a Brahmin by virtue of karma.

“He who is deeply attached to God, non-violent, honest, devoted, disciplined, preacher of the Vedas, knowledgeable of the Vedas is a Brahmin”. (Rig Veda 7.103.8)

"Strictly observant of rites, purified by virtuous deeds, politically wise, non-violent, God-seeking, upright, bearer of truth, righteous warrior free from hatred, destroyer of dishonesty is the Kshatriya." (Rigveda 10.66.8)

“Skillful trader, benefactor, employed and giver of employment” (Atharvaveda 3.15.1)

"He who is indomitable, industrious, tireless - not easily devoured by roots, suffering without greed is the Shudra" (Rigveda 10.94.11).

If we do not follow the Vedas then the same person falls into different categories at different times.

The symbol of the Nazi forces and the swastika are the same?

Om and Swastika are two symbols of Hinduism. Many are confused to think that the swastika is the symbol of Hitler's Nazi forces. Actually the swastika is straight and the insignia of Nazi forces is slightly curved. You can say that - Hitler twisted the swastika into a symbol of hatred. Swastika symbol is known as the ruler of good deeds.

Symbols like the Swastika symbol were common in different parts of the world. And it is sacred to followers of Buddhism, Jainism apart from Hinduism. It was prevalent in Canada, Mesopotamia and many other places.

I tried to explain the belief of this religion. Many things may have been left out, I hope this article will help those who are interested in understanding about Hinduism to get a proper understanding.

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra, like all other Vedic mantras according to Hinduism, is a sukkat of the Rigveda. Goddess Gayatri is worshiped through these mantras and mantras. Another name of this mantra is Savitri Mantra as the Sun is invoked through it.
What is meant by the Gayatri mantra

In the beginning it is said - " Oh Bhurbhuvah Swah ". These three words refer to the three worlds among the seven worlds mentioned in the Vedas. In the case of meditation, it again refers to the three states – conscious, semi-conscious and unconscious. It is praised in several Vedic literatures. The whole mantra is-

Oh Bhurbhuva: Self

That's all

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo yo no Prachodayat..

Instead of writing in Devanagari script, I wrote the holy mantra in Bengali script according to Hinduism. A man named William Jones translated this mantra in 1807. Its translation is-

"Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun, the god-head who illuminates all, who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings right in our progress towards his holy seat. "

Swami Vivekananda translated the mantra into Bengali-

“We worship the Almighty, who is the creator of this universe. May he guide us to the path of enlightenment.”

During the Gupta period this mantra was restricted to the Brahmin class only. Later all classes of people got the right to speak. Dwijatva can be achieved through action and Dwijara is considered worthy of its utterance.

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