What is atheism ?


By atheism we mean the doctrine that does not accept the existence of God or any creator. Apart from this, there may be some other words which we do not use in Bengali language.

Sometimes this term is also used to mean non-believer, as in Vedas non-believers are called atheists. Even those who do not believe in ghosts are called atheists . They are also called unbelievers in Islam and unbelievers in Christianity. We read in childhood that those who believe in a creator are called theists and those who do not believe in a creator are called atheists.

Incidentally, Shinto, Tao, Buddhism, Jain and many other religions do not have the concept of a specific creator . The followers of these religions are called followers of that religion.

Synonyms of atheist?

Atheist means one who does not believe in God. Its synonyms are - Atheist, Anti-Vedic, Unbeliever etc. In Islamic terminology, one who denies Allah is called kafir (one who lacks faith), the word unbeliever has a similar meaning. The terms atheist and kafir can be used interchangeably.

What does atheist mean?

There may be doctrines that do not believe in institutional religion. It is probably not right to call them all atheists . Let's see what kind of faith people can have-

  • To think that God does not exist
  • It is not possible to know whether the creator exists or not
  • God exists but no religion in the world is correct
  • Man and the entire world itself are collectively the creator of all things and individually created things/creatures

We can call the people of the first group Atheist in English and Atheist in Bengali and this doctrine AtheismIt is not really a religion, it is irreligiousness. Atheism has no institutional form.

Doctrine number two can be called agnosticism or Agnosticism. They don't care if God exists or not. They neither believe nor disbelieve. The existence of God is uncertain for them.

People who believe in doctrine number three are called dissenters in English and can be called anti-institutional religion in Bengali. In English it is called Deism.

The opinion of the followers of group number four is called non-creationalism ( followers of Jainism believe in this). That's why many people call it a philosophy instead of calling it a religion, the same is said in the case of Buddhism. However, in Buddhism , the existence of God is thought of as a rule rather than as a person.

In terms of definition in Bengali, sometimes all groups are called atheists, in my opinion that is not correct. People of different faiths should have different names.

Atheist country

There are many countries in the world which people of Bangladesh generally call as atheist countries. There are many people who identify themselves as followers of a religion, practice it but do not believe it. If he does not say it himself, it is not possible to know what his religious identity is. Wikipedia has a list of many such countries-

  • North Korea (71%)
  • Japan (57%)
  • Hong Kong (56%) - Part of China
  • China (52%)
  • Czech Republic (75%)
  • Estonia (60%)

30 percent of people in Australia do not believe in religion, 24 percent in America, 5 percent in Saudi Arabia claim themselves as atheists.

There are religious people who do not believe in God

Out of ignorance, many make a bold statement about people of all faiths as atheists, which is not true. The systematism of Buddhism or Jainism is quite interesting in its unity of creator and creation. And by combining the quantum mechanics of physics with it, many others try to introduce the concept of quantum method, unified consciousness , etc. This view of theirs has also gained popularity for related reasons.

Those familiar with quantum mechanics in physics know that this is just a mechanics that applies to tiny particles. Quantum mechanics never works with the conscious world. It deals only with the behavior of the inanimate material world.

And, Newtonian mechanics is still valid for visible objects. According to physicists, the concept of Collective Consciousness is nothing but a myth. Those who have a good understanding of religion and science never try to prove one by the other.

I don't think at this point that non-believers in institutional religion can have any other opinion. Among believers in God there are also monotheists, pantheists, and more.

What does Islam say about atheists?

I will try to tell you what the Quranic verses say about this. Different sects of Islam have different opinions. But only the Qur'anic verses will be accepted by Muslims of any sect. Let's see what is in the Qur'an.

4:56: Those who reject (Kafaru) our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire

5:86: But those who reject Faith (Kafaru) and believe our Signs, – they shall be companions of Hell-fire.

3:4: Then those who reject Faith (Kafaru) in the Signs of Allah will suffer the severest penalty,

58: 4: For those who reject (Him) (Kafirin), there is a grievous Penalty.

58:5: And the Unbelievers (Kafirin) (will have) a humiliating Penalty,-

As you can see in all the verses, according to the Quran, unbelievers will go to Hell in the Hereafter. I have not found anything like this in the world. So if one is a believer in the Quran he will never attack anyone because of disbelief. Because in the Quran -

"Say, "Listen disbelievers! What you worship, I do not.” - Surah Al Kafirun

"Your religion is yours, my religion is mine" — Al-Kafirun

There is no guarantee in the Quran that someone will go to heaven by killing someone, but there is a guarantee of hell. Umar (RA) was once a disbeliever . Those who are not Muslim from birth, they are all unbelievers, but do they all have the same belief until death?

Look at those whom Allah loves.

"Surely those who believe and do good, righteous deeds, the All-Merciful will assign for them love..." (Maryam 19:96)

That is, “ Verily those who believe and do righteous deeds, the Most Merciful loves them ”, - Surah Maryam.

Killing people or hating people is not a righteous act. Bro, I believe bloggers also promote Islam. A blog is an online platform like a diary that can be read by everyone, not just for reading alone. Here you can write against Islam, you can also write for it.

If you want to go to heaven then follow Quran,

"For those who believe and do righteous deeds, there is Jannatul Firdaus for their welcome" ~ Surah Al-Kahf, verse 107

Rasulullah (SAW) received prophethood at the age of 40, fought his first battle at the age of 53 (13 years later). And there was no personal grudge. Abusing someone or disobeying Islam was not a reason for war. Breaking the agreement, leaving the country, torturing Muslims for 13 years were the reasons.

Do you also follow the example of the Prophet who endured much persecution and did not harm anyone? He did not even fight until the age of 53. He was forced to leave his house twice but never became aggressive.

Life of an Atheist Pandit

Atish Dipankar was a famous scholar and Buddhist monk of the Pala period. His residence at Munshiganj is still known as the Atheist Pandit's Vita. He studied at Nalanda University. To put it in context, Buddhism is not an atheistic religion. The concept of God in this religion is not like that of Abrahamic religions .

He has written many books in Pali and Tibetan languages. Atish Dipankar preached in Tibet for a long time. According to BBC Bengal's poll, he is ranked 18th in the list of greatest Bengalis of all time. Wherever he went he encouraged agriculture and served the downtrodden. He played a significant role in the spread of Buddhism in East Asia.

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